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Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Muliakanlah, muliakanlah Tuhan Allah,
Tuhan Allah Mahatinggi!
Damai sejaht’ra turun ke bumi
bagi orang pengasihanNya.
Muliakanlah Tuhan Allah!
Muliakanlah Tuhan Allah!
Damai sejaht’ra turun ke bumi;
damai sejaht’ra turun ke bumi
bagi orang, bagi orang pengasihanNya,
bagi orang pengasihanNya, pengasihanNya.
Muliakanlah, muliakanlah Tuhan Allah,
Tuhan Allah Mahatinggi!
Damai sejaht’ra turun ke bumi
bagi orang pengasihanNya,
Amin, amin, amin.

Selamat Selamat Datang

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Judul LaguSelamat Selamat Datang 
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu Selamat Selamat Datang 
Slamat-slamat datang Yesus Tuhanku
yang turun dari surga yang rumahMu
slamat-slamat datang Mu di dalam Dunia
Tuhan jadi sama dengan manusia

Bangunlah gembala lihat trang besar
Dengar berita surga dan bergemar
sungguh malam ini Tuhan Yesus datanglah
Jadi kanak-kanak dalam palunganNya

Orang Majus datang turut bintangNya
hendak mencari Tuhan dan menyembah
Mas dan kemenyan dan Mur di persembahkanNya
akan hormat Raja dan juru slamatNya

Hai Dunia Gembiralah

Nama Penyanyi Artis
Judul LaguHai Dunia Gembiralah 
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu Hai Dunia Gembiralah 
1. Hai dunia, gembiralah dan sambut Rajamu!
Dihatimu terimalah! Bersama bersyukur,
Bersama bersyukur, Bersama sama bersyukur!

2. Hai dunia, elukanlah Rajamu, Penebus!
Hai bumi, laut, gunung lembah, bersoraklah terus,
Bersoraklah terus, bersorak-soraklah terus!

3. Janganlah dosa menetap di ladang dunia,
Sejahtera penuh berkat berlimpah s'lamanya,
Berlimpah s'lamanya, berlimpah-limpah s'lamanya.

4. Dialah Raja semesta, besar dan mulia.
Masyhurkanlah, hai dunia, besar anug'rahNya,
Besar anug'rahNya, besar besar anug'rahNya.


Nama Penyanyi Artis
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Hai mari berhimpun dan bersuka ria
Turut semua ke betlehem
Marilah pandang Tuhan bala sorga

Sembah dan puji Dia, sembah dan puji Di-a
Sembah dan puji Dia, yang raja

Bernyanyilah kamu tentara malaikat
Turutlah bernyanyi manusia
Pujilah Tuhan juruslamat dunia

Yang maha mulia lahirlah di bumi
Sama benar dengan kita pun
Datanglah Ia mengampuni dosa

Perjanjian Allah sudah disampaikan
KasihNya nyata di dunia
Nyanyi bersorak dan bersuka ria.

JPCC Worship - Holy Is Our God

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship 
Judul LaguHoly Is Our God 
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Holy Is Our God 
Verse 1
Praise You God from every height
From angel hosts to stars of night
We cry, “Holy, Holy is our God”

From mountaintops and dust that rise
All who walk and roam the skies
We cry, “Holy, Holy is our God”

Verse 2
The stars above they shine upon Your will
And stormy seas commanded to be still
We cry, “Holy, Holy is our God”

Judges, kings and rulers of the land
Shall praise the King of Kings who stands above
We cry, “Holy, Holy is our God”Chorus

Ooo ohhh
To Christ our Lord
We lift our voice
“Holy is our God”

JPCC Worship - Our God Be Glorified

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship 
Judul LaguOur God Be Glorified
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Our God Be Glorified
Verse 1
Come and let us sing
With angels round the throne
Thousand hearts declare
Our voices one

Jesus Son of God
You are glorious divine
The blameless Lamb of God
Who ransomed us

Verse 2
Come and bless the Lord
Who sits upon the throne
Our voice and all creation
Joined as one

Exalt and magnify
We lift our hands up high
The splendor of our God
Our lips will cry

Our God
Our God
Our God
Be Glorified (repeat)

JPCC Worship - Forever Yours

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul LaguForever Yours 
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Forever Yours 
We will sing unto God with joyful voice
Every heart in our house sings and adore
We will stand at Your gates with thankful songs
You are good and Your faithfulness is sure

Enter Your gates with praise
Let all the nations sing
Great is our God
Your Name it shall endure
We are forever Yours
We fill Your courts with praise
Great is our God
Your Love it shall endure

Nations rise and attend before His throne
Sovereign Christ is our Lord and God alone
We will stand at Your gates with thankful songs
In Your grace our Lord Jesus we're secure

Enter Your gates with praise
Let all the nations sing
Great is our God
Your Name it shall endure
We are forever Yours
We fill Your courts with praise
Great is our God
Your Love it shall endure

We are forever Yours
We are forever Yours

JPCC Worship - You Are My Hiding Place

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship 
Judul LaguYou Are My Hiding Place
Tahun Pembuatan2014
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - You Are My Hiding Place
Verse 1
You can breathe all the stars
You can hush the raging storms
Yet You formed me
And You called me by my name
You can walk on the ocean
Part the sea and halt the sun
Yet You see me
And You hear my every cry

Verse 2
Broken steps broken hearts
You are mending every part
I am safe and
I'm covered by Your grace
Only You and Your light
Could turn my darkness into dawn
By Your blood death has lost
And love has won

I surrender all
To the Savior of my soul

Let the weak in me say I am strong
You're my refuge and my song
I will trust in You for all my days
Let my fears and doubts be cast away
You're my strength I will not fear
Jesus I will call upon Your name
You are my hiding place

JPCC Worship - More Than Enough

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul LaguMore Than Enough 
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - More Than Enough 
When the mountains fall
And the sea turns rough
"But My Word stands strong", says the Lord

When the world gets tough
Filled with broken hearts
"But My Love won't fail", says the Lord

Your love is powerful
Knees shall bow
Your love is mighty
The earth will shake
Your grace abounds in us
You're more than enough for me

Jesus You're able
To break every chain
Our lives in Your hands
You're in control

Grace overflows in us
You're more than enough for me

When the mountains fall
And the sea turns rough
"But My Word stands strong", says the Lord
When the world gets tough
Filled with broken hearts
"But My Love won't fail", says the Lord
Your love is powerful
Knees shall bow
Your love is mighty
The earth will shake
Your grace abounds in us
You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're able
To break every chain
Our lives in Your hands
You're in control
Grace overflows in us
You're more than enough for me
Power, mercy, never failing
Stronger, deeper, never changing
Glorious, faithful, never ending
Great is our God
Power, mercy, never failing
Stronger, deeper, never changing
Glorious, faithful, never ending
Great is our God
Power, mercy, never failing
Stronger, deeper, never changing
Glorious, faithful, never ending
Great is our God

Your love is powerful
Knees shall bow
Your love is mighty
The earth will shake
Your grace abounds in us
You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're able
To break every chain
Our lives in Your hands
You're in control
Grace overflows in us
You're more than enough for me
Grace overflows in us
You're more than enough for me
Grace overflows in us
You're more than enough for me
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JPCC Worship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul Lagu Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
I will sing, I will sing of Your love for me
In my life You're my everything
Chains are broken
My eyes are open
You're my freedom now
You have called me out from the dark
Now I'm running into Your light
You've changed my crying into dancing
My lips shall praise You now

Nothing's gonna stop us now
Nothing's gonna stop us now
From praising, praising, from praising You!

Nothing's gonna stop us now
Nothing's gonna stop us now
From praising, praising, from praising You!

Woo oo

We praise You now

I will sing, I will sing of Your love for me
In my life You're my everything
Chains are broken
My eyes are open
You're my freedom now
You have called me out from the dark
Now I'm running into Your light
You've changed my crying into dancing
My lips shall praise You now

Woo oo o
We praise You now.

Nothing's gonna stop us now
Nothing's gonna stop us now
From praising, praising, from praising You!

Nothing's gonna stop us now
Nothing's gonna stop us now
From praising, praising, from praising You!

Woo oo o
We praise You now.

I'll praise You forever
I'll praise You forever
With everything in me
Praise the name of Jesus
I'll praise You forever
I'll praise You forever
With everything in me
Praise the name of Jesus
I'll praise You forever
I'll praise You forever
With everything in me
Praise the name of Jesus
Nothing's gonna stop us now
Nothing's gonna stop us now
From praising, praising, from praising You!
Nothing's gonna stop us now
Nothing's gonna stop us now
From praising, praising, from praising You!
Oo oo oow
We praise You now

JPCC Worship - Christ Jesus Glorified

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship 
Judul LaguChrist Jesus Glorified
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Christ Jesus Glorified
Behold the glory of the Lord
A great High Priest whose Name is Love
My life is written on His heart

Majestic is our God

Awake, my soul, and bring Him praise
Bow down before the Lamb of God
My soul is purchased by His blood
Majestic is our God

To You our hearts are open wide
And no one here can hide
From Your great love
For You are worthy of it all
Christ Jesus glorified

Because our sinless Savior died
And He rose from the dead
My sinful soul is free
By grace and grace alone I'm saved
Christ Jesus paid it all
Christ Jesus paid it all

Awake my soul
Awake my soul and bring Him praise
Bow down before the Lamb of God
My soul is purchased by His blood
Majestic is our God

To You our hearts are open wide
And no one here can hide
From Your great love
For You are worthy of it all
Christ Jesus glorified

Because our sinless Savior died
And He rose from the dead
My sinful soul is free
By grace and grace alone I'm saved
Christ Jesus paid it all

Let every heart and soul rejoice
We welcome You with praise
Be welcomed in this place
Exalt Your name with highest praise
Christ Jesus glorified
Christ Jesus glorified

To God be all the Glory
To Christ be all the Glory

To You and all oh God

To You our hearts are open wide
And no one here can hide
From Your great love
For You are worthy of it all
Christ Jesus glorified

Because our sinless Savior died
And He rose from the dead
My sinful soul is free
By grace and grace alone I'm saved
Christ Jesus paid it all

Let every heart and soul rejoice
We welcome You with praise
Be welcomed in this place
Exalt Your name with highest praise
Christ Jesus glorified
Christ Jesus glorified

To Christ be all the Glory

JPCC Worship - None Like You

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul LaguNone Like You 
Tahun Pembuatan2016
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - None Like You 
When my world is shaking
saat Dunia sedang Gempar
And the storm is breaking
dan badai tlah datang
I lift my hands to You
saya mengangkat tanganku untukmu
I lift my hands to You
mengangkat tanganku untukmu

I will not grow weary
daku tak akan pernah bertumbuh dengan kelelahan
For Your hope is in me
seperti yang kau harapkan di dalamku
I fix my eyes on You
saya memantapkan mataku tertuju untukmu
I fix my eyes on You
saya memantapkan mataku tertuju untukmu

Your faithfulness Casts away my fears
Kesetiaanmu Membuatku tak gentar
For God You are my strong foundation
Karena Tuhan adalah Fondasi yang kuat bagiku

Now I will stand And have my peace
sekarang saya kan berdiri Tegak dan menguasai tempatku
For God Your grace is everlasting

JPCC Worship - Where Can I Go

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul LaguWhere Can I Go
Tahun Pembuatan2016
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship  - Where Can I Go
Wrestling with answer I can't seem to find
As I stand now
Failed to rely on the strength of my own
But I know now

Choose to believe in the things I don't see
As I wait now
You are my God and your Word will remain
I surrender
You're here with me

Where can I go now from Your love?
From the wings of the dawn
To the ends of the sea
I surrender to Your love
You will never let go
You hold me

Choose to believe in the things I don't see
As I wait now
You are my God and your Word will remain
I surrender
You're here with me

Where can I go now from Your love?
From the wings of the dawn
To the ends of the sea
I surrender to Your love
You will never let go
You hold me

Where can I go now from Your love?
From the wings of the dawn
To the ends of the sea
I surrender to Your love
You will never let go
Jesus I'm found in You
Jesus I'm found in You

There's no escaping You
Where can I go?
Where can I go?
Forever I'm found in You
You are with me
You are with me

There's no escaping You
Where can I go?
Where can I go?
Forever I'm found in You
You are with me
You are with me

There's no escaping You
Where can I go?
Where can I go?
Forever I'm found in You
You are with me
You are with me

Where can I go now from Your love?
From the wings of the dawn
To the ends of the sea
I surrender to Your love
You will never let go
You hold me

Where can I go now from Your love?
From the wings of the dawn
To the ends of the sea
I surrender to Your love
You will never let go
Jesus I'm found in You

JPCC Worship - Forever Praise You

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship Youth
Judul LaguForever Praise You
Tahun Pembuatan2016
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship Youth - Forever Praise You
Take my heart, Take my life
In Your Hands
Here I am, I will stand

Use me now

You consumed me from the inside
Buried my shame, You made me whole again
You can see me through the outside
My soul cries out I am Yours

You're my hope
My defense is in Your hands
In my life I give all
To praise You now

You consumed me from the inside
Buried my shame, You made me whole again
You can see me through the outside
My soul cries out I am Yours

Now my life's not my own
I belong to You Lord
I'll forever praise You
I'll forever praise You

You're the hope of my soul
I give my life to You Lord
I'll forever praise You
I'll forever praise You

Now my life's not my own
I belong to You Lord
I'll forever praise You
I'll forever praise You

You're the hope of my soul
I give my life to You Lord
I'll forever praise You
I'll forever praise You

Now my life's not my own
I belong to You Lord
I'll forever praise You
I'll forever praise You

You're the hope of my soul
I give my life to You Lord
I'll forever praise You
I'll forever praise You

O. o. ooo.
O. ooo.
I'll forever praise You, I'll forever praise You

O. o. ooo.
O. ooo.
I'll forever praise You, I'll forever praise You

O. o. ooo.
O. ooo.
I'll forever praise You, I'll forever praise You

O. o. ooo.
O. ooo.
I'll forever praise You, I'll forever praise You

JPCC Worship - Kembali

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul LaguKembali
Tahun Pembuatan2017
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Kembali
Kau Tuhan yang setia
tanganMu tersedia
Memegangku melintasi gelap dunia

Apapun keadaan
Hati dan perasaan
Tak membatasi kuasaMu di dalamku

KasihMu kepadaku
Menerima apa adanya
Dalam kelemahanku
Kuasa Tuhan jadi sempurna

Ku kan slalu kembali padaMu
Yang kuperlu hanyalah Kau Tuhan
CintaMu membuatku mengerti siapa aku sebenarnya

Kau Tuhan yang setia
tanganMu tersedia
Memegangku melintasi gelap dunia

Apapun keadaan
Hati dan perasaan
Tak membatasi kuasaMu di dalamku

KasihMu kepadaku
Menerima apa adanya
Dalam kelemahanku
Kuasa Tuhan jadi sempurna

Ku kan slalu kembali padaMu
Yang kuperlu hanyalah Kau Tuhan
CintaMu membuatku mengerti siapa aku sebenarnya

Aku karya indahMu
Karna kucerminanMu
Kau ciptakan diriku
Serupa gambaranMu

Aku karya indahMu
Karna kucerminanMu
Kau ciptakan diriku
Serupa gambaranMu

Ku kan slalu kembali padaMu
Yang kuperlu hanyalah Kau Tuhan
CintaMu membuatku mengerti siapa aku sebenarnya

JPCC Worship - Kumilik-Mu

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul LaguKumilik-Mu 
Tahun Pembuatan2016
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Kumilik-Mu 
Dalam kesesakanku kau bri kedamainMu Dalam keraguanku temukan wajahMu
Karena pengorbanMu Kau jadikanku baru
Sungguh ku terkagum amanku di dalam Mu Yesus
Kau membuatku sesuai rencanaMu
Kau memegang s'tiap musim hidupku
Ku serahkan semua kekhawatiranku ku milik Mu
Karena pengorbanMu Kau jadikanku baru
Sungguh ku terkagum amanku di dalam Mu Yesus
Kau membuatku sesuai rencanaMu
Kau memegang s'tiap musim hidupku
Ku serahkan semua kekhawatiranku ku milik Mu
S'mua kekuranganku kau pun tau tetap kau pandang indah dalam Mu
Ku angkat tanganku dan ku berseru ku Milik Mu

Im Yours now forever in your grace i surrender
You are mine now forever
I'am alive in Your Wonder

Kau membuatku sesuai rencanaMu
Kau memegang s'tiap musim hidupku
Ku serahkan semua kekhawatiranku ku milik Mu
S'mua kekuranganku kau pun tau tetap kau pandang indah dalam Mu
Ku angkat tanganku dan ku berseru ku milik Mu

JPCC Worship - Savior Reign

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul LaguSavior Reign
Tahun Pembuatan2017
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Savior Reign
It is my joy to sing
Of the One who died for me
He is Jesus
There is no greater love
Than the one who paid it all
Only Jesus

Oohhh With all my soul
I sing your praises
With all my life
I will surrender
With all my heart
I worship You

The Savior reigns
You have risen from the grave, alive
Now the lost has found a way to life
We have been redeemed
The Savior reigns
You have risen from the grave, alive
Death has lost it's power over us
We have been set free

The stone has rolled away
No longer I am chained Because of Jesus Forever I will sing Of the blood that sets me free Only Jesus

Oohhh With all my soul
I sing your praises
With all my life
I will surrender
With all my heart
I worship You

The Savior reigns
You have risen from the grave, alive
Now the lost has found a way to life
We have been redeemed
The Savior reigns
You have risen from the grave, alive
Death has lost it's power over us
We have been set free

JPCC Worship - Holy, Holy, Holy

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul LaguHoly, Holy, Holy 
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Holy, Holy, Holy 
Holy, holy, holy
Lord God Almighty
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee
Holy, holy, holy
Merciful and mighty
God in three Persons blessed Trinity

Verse 2
Suci, suci, suci
Tuhan mahakuasa
Dikau kami puji di pagi yang teduh
Suci, suci, suci
Murah dan perkasa
Allah Tritunggal agung namaMu

Verse 2
Suci, suci, suci
Kaum kudus tersungkur
Di depan tahtaMu memb'ri mahkotaNya
Segenap malaikat
Sujud menyembahMu
Tuhan, yang ada s'lama-lamanya

S'gala pujian bagiMu
Seg'nap nafas muliakanMu
Surga bumi kan berseru
Kuduslah Tuhan namaMu

Holy, holy, holy
Merciful and mighty
God in three Persons blessed Trinity

True Worshippers - Satu Alasan

Nama Penyanyi True Worship
Judul LaguSatu Alasan
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu True Worshippers - Satu Alasan

Segenap langkah kami tertuju
Berlari dari s'gala penjuru
Mendekat kepada Sang Penebus
Dapati sinar terang Yang Kudus

Oh Yesus
Kau berkuasa
Untuk Selamanya

Kami angungkan NamaMu
Pembebas s'gala belenggu
Hanya Yesus Kau satu alasan
Kami datang untuk menyembahMu

Segala ikatan t'lah terbuka
Dan setiap dosa t'lah Kau hancurkan
Karena hanya Kau Sang Penebus
Sucikan dengan cah'ya terangMu

JPCC Worship - Dalam Anug'rah-Mu

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul LaguDalam Anug'rah-Mu
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Dalam Anug'rah-Mu
Lebih dalam ku mengenal-Mu
Satu hal ku tau Kau tak lepaskanku
Kasih-Mu mengejar langkahku
Masa laluku tunduk dalam anug’rah-Mu

Ku percaya kuasa-Mu jadikan s’galanya baru
Kutinggalkan semua kehidupan yang lama
Ku percaya kehendak-Mu yang memurnikan hatiku
Menjadikanku baru sesuai dengan kehendak-Mu

Lebih dari yang kuhadapi
Satu hal ku tau janji-Mu teruji
Pulihkan hancurnya hatiku
Dan membawaku hidup dalam anug’rah-Mu

JPCC Worship - Bersorak

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul LaguBersorak
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Bersorak
Kau batu karang yang teguh
Kota benteng dan perisaiku
Yang menang kalahkan maut
Peny’lamat yang bangkit dan hidup

Haleluya, haleluya
Kekal mulia
Haleluya, haleluya
Dahsyat berkuasa

Bersorak nyatakan
Yesus Kaulah Tuhan
Kau Raja pemenang
Bersorak mahsyurkan
Yesus Kaulah Tuhan
Jurus’lamat dunia, oooh

Kau Yesus batu penjuru
Dari-Mu lah kes’lamatanku
Yang menang kalahkan maut
Peny’lamat yang bangkit dan hidup

Agung dan perkasa, megah dan berjaya
Yesus Tuhan, Yesus Tuhan
Tempat perlindungan, kubu pertahanan
Yesus Tuhan, Yesus Tuhan

JPCC Worship - Penyelamatku

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul Lagu Penyelamatku
Tahun Pembuatan2015
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Penyelamatku
Inilah hidupku, kuserahkan kepada-Mu
Inilah hatiku, kuberikan bagi-Mu
Ku tau Tuhan rancangan-Mu yang terbaik bagiku
Ku tau Tuhan pengorbanan-Mu yang mulia bagiku

Hanya dekat kepada-Mu aku rasakan tenang
Hanya dalam hadirat-Mu kurasakan damai-Mu

Hanya dekat kepada-Mu aku rasakan tenang
Hanya dalam hadirat-Mu kurasakan damai-Mu
Pada-Mu ku berserah, Yesus sumber harapanku
Ku percaya pada-Mu peny’lamatku

Walau sekalipun ku berjalan
Dalam lembah yang kelam
Ku tak takut kar’na Kau besertaku
Walau sekalipun ku berjalan
Dalam lembah yang kelam
Ku tak takut kar’na Kau besertaku

Pada-Mu ku berserah, Yesus sumber harapanku
Ku percaya pada-Mu peny’lamatku
Ku percaya pada-Mu peny’lamatku

JPCC Worship - Harapanku

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul LaguHarapanku
Tahun Pembuatan2016
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Lirik lagu JPCC Worship - Harapanku
Kasih-Mu, karya-Mu, nyata dalamku
Kau pegang hidupku dalam tangan-Mu
Darah-Mu, salib-Mu, tebus hidupku
Nama-Mu berkuasa sanggup bangkitkan

Harapanku di dalam-Mu, hanya Kau Yesus kuatku
Ku percaya, ku aman dalam-Mu

Tak pernah gagal rencana-Mu
T’rangi jalanku kuasa-Mu sempurna
Pengharapanku takkan hilang
S’bab masa depanku Kau sediakan
Tak pernah gagal rencana-Mu
T’rangi hidupku kuasa-Mu sempurna
Pengharapanku takkan hilang
S’bab masa depanku dalam-Mu

Words & Music : Andre Hermanto, Andriyanto, Billy Simpson, Joshua Tremonti, Kevaz Lucky, Nina Sari Ishak, Ricky Sutanto, Tirza Agatha, Winny Jessica, Yumir Vishreda

JPCC Worship - Yesus Mulia

Nama Penyanyi JPCC Worship
Judul LaguYesus Mulia
Tahun Pembuatan2016
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Lirik laguJPCC Worship - Yesus Mulia
Terang-Mu yang telah ubah hidupku
Kau jadikan aku ciptaan baru
Kuangkat tanganku dan memuji-Mu

Hidupku tak sama sejak Kau ada
Dan kini Engkaulah pusat s'galanya
Kasih-Mu ‘kan s'lalu cukup bagiku

Keagungan-Mu kedahsyatan-Mu
Terpancar dari indahnya dunia
S'gala yang ada tlah Kau ciptakan
Karya-Mu sungguh tiada taranya

Sungguh tiada taranya

Wooo Woooooo mulia nama-Mu
Wooo Woooooo mulia nama-Mu

Hidupku tak sama sejak Kau ada
Dan kini engkaulah pusat sgalanya
Kasih-Mu kan slalu cukup bagiku
Keagungan-Mu kedahsyatan-Mu

Terpancar dari indahnya dunia
Sgala yang ada tlah kau ciptakan
Karya-Mu sungguh tiada taranya
Wooo Woooooo mulialah namaMu
Wooooo Woooooo mulialah Nama-Mu
To God be the glory
For the things He's done
To God be the glory
For the things He's done
To God be the glory
For the things He's done
To God be the glory
For the things He's done
Keagungan-Mu kedahsyatan-Mu
Terpancar dari indahnya dunia
Kami nyatakan Yesus Mulia
S'gala yang ada Kau t'lah ciptakan
Karya-Mu sungguh tiada taranya
Kami nyatakan Yesus Mulia
Wo Oooo Wo Ooooooo Mulia Nama-Mu
Wo Oooo Wo Ooooooo Mulia Nama-Mu
Wo Oooo Wo Ooooooo Mulia Nama-Mu
Mulia Nama-Mu

Terang-Mu yang telah ubah hidupku
Kau jadikan aku ciptaan baru
Kuangkat tanganku dan memuji-Mu

Hidupku tak sama sejak Kau ada
Dan kini Engkaulah pusat s'galanya
Kasih-Mu ‘kan s'lalu cukup bagiku

Keagungan-Mu kedahsyatan-Mu
Terpancar dari indahnya dunia
S'gala yang ada tlah Kau ciptakan
Karya-Mu sungguh tiada taranya

Sungguh tiada taranya

Wooo Woooooo mulia nama-Mu
Wooo Woooooo mulia nama-Mu

Hidupku tak sama sejak Kau ada
Dan kini engkaulah pusat sgalanya
Kasih-Mu kan slalu cukup bagiku
Keagungan-Mu kedahsyatan-Mu

Terpancar dari indahnya dunia
Sgala yang ada tlah kau ciptakan
Karya-Mu sungguh tiada taranya
Wooo Woooooo mulialah namaMu
Wooooo Woooooo mulialah Nama-Mu
To God be the glory
For the things He's done
To God be the glory
For the things He's done
To God be the glory
For the things He's done
To God be the glory
For the things He's done
Keagungan-Mu kedahsyatan-Mu
Terpancar dari indahnya dunia
Kami nyatakan Yesus Mulia
S'gala yang ada Kau t'lah ciptakan
Karya-Mu sungguh tiada taranya
Kami nyatakan Yesus Mulia
Wo Oooo Wo Ooooooo Mulia Nama-Mu
Wo Oooo Wo Ooooooo Mulia Nama-Mu
Wo Oooo Wo Ooooooo Mulia Nama-Mu
Mulia Nama-Mu